Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Art and Photography Exhibition - Enter!

Location: Lake Wanaka Centre, Ardmore St,
Region: Wanaka
Dates: Fri, 5 July 2013 - Tue, 9 July 2013

  • Art and Photography Exhibition - Enter!

2013 NZ Mountain Film Festival Festival Art and Photography Display

Wanaka Arts Society will be organising an exciting display of Art and Photography at the 2013 NZ Mountain Film Festival in July – at the request of the Festival organisers, the NZ Mountain Film Festival Charitable Trust. Wanaka Artists and photographers will display and sell their work throughout the Festival.

The display will run daily from 7:00 pm, Friday 5th July till 11pm, Tuesday 9th July at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Ardmore St, Wanaka.

The artists’ and photographers’ work will reflect the festival’s theme “Adventurous Sports and Lifestyles” and will depict the world’s outdoor spaces, mountains, lakes, sea and rivers as well as outdoor people, sports and scenery.

If you are an artist or photographer and are interested in contributing a work or works to the display please visit the Wanaka Arts Society web-site and download the information sheet and entry form. Alternatively you can email the Secretary, Jim Bohm at [email protected] or write to Wanaka Arts Society, PO Box 305, Wanaka, 9305 for further information.

Artists and photographers will need to send a fee of $15.00 with their entry form, and must be financial members of Wanaka Arts Society. Membership costs $20 per year.

No commission will be charged by Wanaka Arts Society or the NZ Mountain Film Festival on works sold. Selling of works is optional for artists and photographers. The NZMFF gets its value from the display through visitors’ enjoyment of viewing the Artists’ and Photographers’ work. Wanaka Arts Society benefits from the publicity and the raised profile that can come from its involvement, as well as from the opportunities Wanaka Arts Society members can get from taking part.


Lake Wanaka Centre, Ardmore St,
