Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Cromwell Combined Arts and Craft - Master Classes

Location: The Clubrooms, Old Cromwell
Region: Cromwell

  • Cromwell Combined Arts and Craft - Master Classes

Master classes registrations can be made by contacting Kaye Moore either by email or by phone, evenings only from March 1st.

Numbers will be capped at thirty for all classes except Paul Buddle's hands on pottery class which will be twenty.

These classes are open to anyone at no cost thanks to our sponsor Central Lakes Trust.

Friday 6th April 10:30am - 11:30am Paul Buddle , Potter, Lecture and power point presentation.

Friday 6th April 2pm -3pm Wayne Edgerton, Artist, Lecture/Demonstration

Saturday 7th April 10:30am - 11:30 am Wayne Edgerton, Artist, Lecture?Demonstattion

Saturday 7th April 2pm - 3pm Shona Schofield, Fibre Artist, Lecture/Demonstration

Sunday 8th April 10:30am - 11:30am Shona Schofield, Fibre Artist, Lecture/Demonstration

Sunday 8th April  2:30pm - 3:30 pm Paul Buddle, Potter, Hands on demonstration.

Shona Schofield will be demonstrating how easy it is to felt a cobweb ultrafine merino and silk lap scarf - a great starting off point for designing with natural fibre, during which she will tell you how she began to explore this art and her journey. (both classes)

Paul Buddle will talk about his wide variety of art experiances in the UK and how he came to this area. In his second class participants will have the opportunity to experience 'hands on ' with clay.


  • Fri, 6 April 2012
  • Sat, 7 April 2012
  • Sun, 8 April 2012


The Clubrooms, Old Cromwell
