Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Maria Gill - ZERO to HERO

Location: Cromwell Public Library
Region: Cromwell
Dates: Tue, 13 March 2012 @ 4pm

  • Maria Gill - ZERO to HERO
  • Maria Gill - ZERO to HERO

This month we celebrate NZ Book Month and Award winning children’s author Maria Gill is joining us to present From ZERO to HERO  in which she will talk about her latest  books – ‘New Zealand Hall of Fame: 50 Remarkable Kiwis’   and ‘The Call of the Kokako’ .

FIND out how NZ’s endangered species went from ZERO to healthy forecasts; LEARN how NZ Hall of Fame HEROES achieved their dreams and LEARN about Maria’s journey writing her two latest books.

Maria Gill talks (30 minutes) and kids can then participate in an activity (15 minutes). Free entry. 


Cromwell Public Library
