Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Lakes District Museum and Gallery - Esther Dexter

Location: Queenstown Lakes District Museum Gallery
Region: Arrowtown
Dates: Sat, 16 January 2016 - Sun, 14 February 2016

  • Lakes District Museum and Gallery - Esther Dexter

Art Statement:

“Ambi-Dexterous” is more than about painting with both hands; it’s about embracing the whole, the two opposing sides of the mind. The neat and orderly mixed with the loose and abstracted, the vibrant and busy mixed with the dark and serene. Whilst society expects people to be either right handed or left handed; to paint either abstract or realism; Esther uses both hands to create diverse and unique artworks, all with high visual impact, a local flavour and a strong eye for design.


Queenstown Lakes District Museum Gallery
