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September 2018

  • Alexandra Musical Society's 'Nunsense' -
  • Alexandra Musical Society's 'Nunsense' -

Review of Alexandra Musical Society's 'Nunsense'. By Nicholas Goudie.

I wasn't sure if I would connect to this show. How could I relate to a show about nuns when I have never met one? Would I understand any of the references? Well as it happens, I shouldn't have worried....I guess it helps that these aren't your usual nuns.

The show is loaded with all sorts of gags and pop culture references so you don't need to be a devout catholic to have a laugh. This show is out to play with your preconceptions. Before the show, there was a general feeling that we had come to the wrong venue as hanging above the stage was a giant, illuminated 'Grease' logo and what appeared to be Greased Lightening in centre stage. Go figure.

The quality of the singing and acting is amongst the best I have seen in a local production. I was surprised at points how thick and clear the harmonies were with only 5 people on stage. There's so much energy supplied that you can't help but get carried away and enjoy yourself.

Each actor put in a confident and consistent performance. They each bring a special quality to make them stand out individually. Sally Davies showcased an amazing gospel inspired vocal in the very catchy number, 'Holier than Thou'.

Likewise Jules Molloy, playing the stern but zany Mother Superior, plays her character to the tee and transitions so easily from speech to song.

I can't forget to mention both Hannah Anderson and Morgan Potter who are both in their final year of high school. Both of them did so well in this style of show and looked so relaxed up on stage, each reacting to the moment. Both should be well placed to take the next step at drama school, if they so wish.

Finally Nick Meissel is hilarious as the very 'confused' nun Sister Amnesia. An inspired casting choice, Nick characterises the role so well that sometimes I found myself simply laughing at his wordless reactions. His 'duet' with a puppet was a highlight of the show, extremely difficult to execute, but made to look effortless.

Hilarious, naughty, slap-stick absurd - not what I expected, but I am glad they played with my expectations. The show runs until Friday the 28th of September, so plenty of time to get your ticket. It's a fantastic show so don't feel required to go to just show your support - go to enjoy yourself.