Terms & Conditions


The information below contains the terms and conditions under which applications for a listing on the Central Otago Arts website are accepted. When you submit the application form it is acknowledged that you have read and understood the terms and conditions.

Central Otago Arts reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions from time to time at its discretion.


Central Otago Artist means, for the purpose of the Central Otago Arts website and Regional Arts Guide, an individual, group, organisation or gallery which has a particular residential association with the Central Otago region.

Central Otago region means the area of New Zealand that is defined by and under the jurisdiction of the Central Otago District Council. Download Central Otago map (PDF, 688KB).

Art is as defined in the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Act 1994 – “Arts includes all forms of creative and interpretative expression”. While this definition is inclusive, the website is to profile the applicant’s original artwork. Therefore, it would exclude mass-market commercial art, reproducers of other artists’ work and pre-purchased manufactured items.

Website means the Central Otago Arts website located on www.centralotagoarts.com


  1. An application submitted will under-go a review by a Central Otago Arts panel selected by the Central Otago Districts Arts Trust board of trustees.
  2. The Central Otago Arts panel, if necessary, has the right to edit any text, statement and/or biography provided in the application for reasons of grammatical error or unsuitable content. Any editions will be referred back to the applicant for confirmation before entering it on the website.
  3. The Central Otago Arts panel, if necessary, has the right to reject any images or logo’s provided in the application considered by the panel to be unsuitable or of inferior quality. The panel also has the right to remove any image or logo from the website which for any reason is in question. Any rejection or removal will be referred back to the applicant for amendment or reply.
  4. Central Otago Arts reserves the right to decline any application for any reason and that reason will be referred back to the applicant to allow the opportunity for amendment and re-application. In any event, Central Otago Arts shall have final say as to what will be entered on the website.
  5. Unless otherwise stated by the applicant, any information provided on the application will be entered on the website and shall be considered to be public information. Central Otago Arts may disclose the same information to casual inquirers and also use the information in its own publicity, promotion and membership communications. However, any images and/or logo’s will not be reproduced outside the website profile of the applicant without first getting permission of the applicant.
  6. Any information provided which does not form part of the application is at the applicant’s discretion to provide. If the applicant does not want the information provided outside the requirements of the application to be public information the applicant should not provide it.
  7. As it is in the best interests of the applicant, Central Otago Arts requests the applicant ensures the information provided on the application is accurate and to update the information when required.
  8. Central Otago Arts accepts no responsibility for the misuse of information provided by the applicant which is considered to be public information in accordance with clause 5 above by third parties
  9. Central Otago Arts will use its best endeavours to protect the unlawful or unauthorised use of any images and/or logo’s of the applicant from the website, however Central Otago Arts accepts no responsibility for any such unlawful or unauthorised uses of the images and/or logo’s .
  10. Featured and Profiled listings may include links to their own websites, but no other websites.