
What's where?

All Venues

  • Ettrick Hall

Ettrick Hall


Ettrick Hall is a small rural hall with a stage, foyer and toilet facilities.

Who to contact The hall is managed by a hall committee and all enquiries should be made to them.

  • Hullabaloo Art Space

Hullabaloo Art Space

15 Melmore Terrace , Old Cromwell Historic Precinct

Hullabaloo Art Space is a contemporary art gallery overlooking Lake Dunstan in Old Cromwell Town. The gallery is open daily from 10am to 4pm all year round.

Run by a collective of …

Lake Roxburgh Village Hall

Tamblyn Drive, Lake Roxburgh

Lake Wanaka Centre

47 Ardmore Street, Wanaka

Lowburn Hall


The Lowburn Hall is a small rural community hall which provides the following facilities: a main hall area, with a stage, foyer and toilets.

The hall is managed by the Lowburn Hall …

Maniototo Arts Centre

3 Reade St, Ranfurly

Centre for the arts in Maniototo

  • Maniototo Park Stadium and Rugby Clubrooms

Maniototo Park Stadium and Rugby Clubrooms

15 Pery Street, Ranfurly

The Maniototo Stadium floor has courts marked for netball, badminton, basketball and volleyball. Changing room facilities are also in the building.

The Stadium is an ideal venue …

Manuherikia Omakau Hall


The Omakau Hall is a small rural community hall that provides the following facilities: a main hall area, stage, foyer, kitchen, supper room, plunket rooms and toilet facilities.

  • Millers Flat Hall

Millers Flat Hall

1669 Teviot Road, RD2, Millers Flat

The Millers Flat Community Hall is a focal point for the social activity of the district.

It has well appointed facilities and kitchen available for hire suitable for meetings, …

Molyneux Stadium

Molyneux Park off Centennial Avenue

  • Telephone 03 440 0056 (Council's Alexandra Office)

Molyneux Stadium is Central Otago's main indoor recreation venue. The stadium can be found at Molyneux Park off Centennial Avenue. The stadium was built in the 1960s from funds …